Kicking Your Personal Fitness Into High Gear with a Small Group Training

AYC group training classes can include TRX exercisesTaking a small group exercise class with your friends can be a great way to push your health and fitness efforts to the next level. Group exercise delivers all the benefits of traditionally associated with exercise, including higher metabolism, improved stamina, weight loss and better overall health. However, these small fitness classes provide a host of other benefits as well.

Boost Your Motivation
Starting a small group training exercise routine with your friends can help you to hold each other accountable. When you have other people counting on you to show up for class, it makes it much more likely that you will go to the gym. On those days when you just don’t feel like exercising, knowing that your friends are there waiting for you can give you the extra little push you need to get out the door to go work out. This works in the opposite direction as well. If one of your friends is lacking motivation, your encouragement can deliver a morale boost to get your friend out of his or her slump.

Build Closer Bonds with Your Friends
Not only do group classes improve your accountability, they also bring you and your friends closer together. Because you are going through this health and fitness journey together, you can talk about your struggles and offer each other tips. You can congratulate each other on your successes as well. At the end of the day, all of these things will strengthen the bonds between you and your friends. If you are starting a new class and do not know anyone yet, this small group environment can be a great way to meet new friends too. You already know that you have a similar interest in fitness, so this gives you the jumping off point to start a new friendship that could last a lifetime.

Have Some Fun
Aside from the health and social benefits of small group training, it’s just plain fun. Just because you’re a “grown-up” now doesn’t mean you can’t still have a good time. Getting yourself moving for an hour to jump, dance and kick your way to fitness can do wonders for your overall outlook on life. These classes also force you to switch up the types of movements you perform so you don’t hit an exercise plateau, resulting in increased muscle toning, fat burning. and weight loss.

For small group fitness classes in Kansas City, AYC Health & Fitness offers a selection of classes each day throughout the morning, afternoon and evening. The range of class times gives you and your friends flexibility in choosing the class that’s right for you. All of the classes offered at AYC Health & Fitness are suitable for beginners but can be made more challenging to accommodate those who are more experienced.

Here is our  2016 class schedule. Call AYC Health & Fitness today at 913-642-4437 or click to book a consultation to get more information about our small group classes. No membership required!