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So far Jim Grant has created 22 blog entries.

Proper Warm Up Techniques for Baseball Players

Proper Warm Up Techniques for Baseball Players David Justice AYC Health & Fitness Certified Personal Trainer An often overlooked component of a good workout is the effectiveness of your warm up. While it’s important to not overdo it, you definitely want to be moving at a pace that [...]

Proper Warm Up Techniques for Baseball Players2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Playing Baseball Year-Round

Why You Shouldn’t Be Playing Baseball Year-Round David Justice AYC Health & Fitness Certified Personal Trainer "It [specialization] is one of the worst developments imaginable at the youth sports level. Physically, emotionally, developmentally, it's a huge, huge mistake. And it absolutely is happening. It is sweeping [...]

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Playing Baseball Year-Round2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

4 Ways Pilates Can Help Heal Injuries

4 Ways Pilates Can Help Heal Injuries We are all aware that exercise is great for weight loss and overall health, a major goal of our team at AYC Health & Fitness.  However we also offer an ideal training facility to do Pilates in Kansas City.   Why try Pilates? Are you aware that certain [...]

4 Ways Pilates Can Help Heal Injuries2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

Yoga Training

Yoga Training.... What do you think about when you hear the words, "yoga"? If you think of lots of breathing, fit women in yoga pants and crunchy hippies, then you're missing the point of yoga -- as well as its many benefits. Today, more athletes are jumping on the yoga [...]

Yoga Training2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

Yoga – Which Kind is Right for You? 5 Types Explained

Yoga - which kind is right for you? Top 5 types defined. If you're interested in obtaining the physical, mental and emotional benefits that yoga brings to the table, you have a wide range of yoga Kansas City options to choose from depending on your needs. The important thing to remember is that not [...]

Yoga – Which Kind is Right for You? 5 Types Explained2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

Do’s & Don’ts of Training Baseball Players

Do’s & Don’ts of Training Baseball Players David Justice AYC Health & Fitness Certified Personal Trainer Training baseball players... In the world of sports performance training, baseball players are a unique population that needs to be handled with care. Does that mean they get off easy and don’t [...]

Do’s & Don’ts of Training Baseball Players2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

Health Benefits of Organic Fruits & Vegetables

Organic fruits & vegetables - worth the price for the health benefits? The term "organic" has become something of a marketing term in the last few years, particularly in terms of fruits and vegetables. Many companies use the term to justify an increased price over traditional options, clouding the benefits that [...]

Health Benefits of Organic Fruits & Vegetables2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00