Is A Local Corporate Wellness Program Right For Your Company?

Is a Local Corporate Wellness Program Right for Your Company? Kick off the new fiscal year with corporate wellness Kansas City programs for your employees. Staying healthy does more than improve a person’s physical wellbeing. It improves their ability to focus and elevates their mood. This type of advantage translates very well [...]

Is A Local Corporate Wellness Program Right For Your Company?2025-02-04T16:34:49-06:00

How to Bring a Corporate Wellness Program into Your Company

How to Bring a Corporate Wellness Program into Your Company Healthier employees are happier, more efficient, hardworking, and helpful to others. Conversely, unhealthy ones are unhappy, sluggish, less productive, and overtired. As you may already know, being healthy involves not only eating well but integrating an exercise and fitness program into [...]

How to Bring a Corporate Wellness Program into Your Company2025-02-04T18:16:18-06:00

Top Benefits of a Corporate Wellness Program

Top Benefits of a Corporate Wellness Program Corporate wellness programs are often viewed as a nice bonus for employees offering discounts on membership fees at the local gym. This is an outdated viewpoint, however, as there are many more benefits than just a gym savings. Healthcare costs can be a huge [...]

Top Benefits of a Corporate Wellness Program2025-02-04T18:16:33-06:00

Capture The Corporate Wellness Opportunity – Greg Justice article for PFP Magazine Spring 2016

Capture The Corporate Wellness Opportunity Greg Justice, MA, CPT Owner, AYC Health & Fitness Investing in improving the health of your employees could also boost your bottom line. Greg Justice explains in an article in the Spring issue of PFP magazine why the benefits of implementing an effective [...]

Capture The Corporate Wellness Opportunity – Greg Justice article for PFP Magazine Spring 20162025-02-04T16:35:13-06:00

The Hidden Benefits of Corporate-Sponsored Exercise

The Hidden Benefits of Corporate-Sponsored Exercise There are lots of benefits to exercise, which have been reiterated in the press, on social media, and on TV since Jack LaLanne first brought it into homes in the 1950s. However, when exercise is brought into the workplace, whether in a group setting or individual, some of the [...]

The Hidden Benefits of Corporate-Sponsored Exercise2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00