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So far Jim Grant has created 22 blog entries.

Top 5 Training Mistakes Made in the Weight Room

Top 5 Weight Room Training Mistakes David Justice AYC Health & Fitness Certified Personal Trainer Anybody who goes to the gym regularly has encountered others who make you scratch your head and wonder what it is they are trying to accomplish during the course of their workout. [...]

Top 5 Training Mistakes Made in the Weight Room2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

Yoga – 5 Reasons to Add it to your Sports Performance Training

Yoga - 5 Reasons to Add it to your Sports Performance Training What do you think about when you hear the words, "yoga"? If you think of lots of breathing, fit women in yoga pants and crunchy hippies, then you're missing the point of yoga -- as well as its many benefits. Today, more [...]

Yoga – 5 Reasons to Add it to your Sports Performance Training2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

Prevention Magazine

Articles for Prevention Magazine AYC Health & Fitness has contributed to several health and fitness articles for Prevention magazine over the last few years. Here is a sampling... Greg programmed a summer workout for the readers of Prevention magazine... 6 Exercises That Will Help You Stop Fearing Skimpy Summer Clothes [...]

Prevention Magazine2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

Hatha Yoga Kansas City Style: Calming Minds and Relieving Stress

Hatha Yoga Kansas City Style: Calming Minds and Relieving Stress The numerous physical health benefits of a yoga practice are undisputed. Hatha yoga, a branch of this ancient discipline, is often considered to be the most practical form of yoga. By combining a deep focus on the breath with postures known [...]

Hatha Yoga Kansas City Style: Calming Minds and Relieving Stress2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

Pilates in Kansas City: Why Pro Athletes do Pilates

Professional Athletes and Pilates We see all types of athletes at our facility offering Pilates in Kansas City. They range from those interested in keeping fit to those going for a spot on a professional team. But for some reason, Pilates, much like yoga -- has garnered a reputation as being the domain of [...]

Pilates in Kansas City: Why Pro Athletes do Pilates2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

AYC Fitness Experts Answer Questions for Women’s Health Magazine

Articles for Women's Health Magazine We've answered a LOT of questions for Women's Health magazine over the last few years. Here are some articles we've contributed to. We've tackled everything from watching TV on the treadmill to choosing tunes to keep you energized. We've listed the topic and the link [...]

AYC Fitness Experts Answer Questions for Women’s Health Magazine2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

Kansas City’s Original Personal Training Studio

AYC Health & Fitness, Kansas City's Original Personal Training  Studio The AYC Health & Fitness Story Greg in the KC Star - 1986 I founded At Your Convenience Personal Fitness Training, now known as AYC Health & Fitness, in May 1986 and my first training session happened on June 22. With gross revenue [...]

Kansas City’s Original Personal Training Studio2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

Increasing Core Strength and Mobility with One-On-One Pilates Training

Increase Core Strength and Mobility with One-On-One Pilates Training Pilates has a number of amazing benefits. According to the University of Utah's health care research, Pilates helps to develop a strong core, provides spinal stability and helps tissues to heal. AYC Health & Fitness offers one-on-one Pilates sessions in addition to its [...]

Increasing Core Strength and Mobility with One-On-One Pilates Training2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00

Kicking Your Personal Fitness Into High Gear with a Small Group Training

Kicking Your Personal Fitness Into High Gear with a Small Group Training Taking a small group exercise class with your friends can be a great way to push your health and fitness efforts to the next level. Group exercise delivers all the benefits of traditionally associated with exercise, including higher metabolism, improved [...]

Kicking Your Personal Fitness Into High Gear with a Small Group Training2017-02-15T16:49:03-06:00